How To Win Casino Spin Gta

If you’re feeling lucky, you can spin the Lucky Wheel for a chance to win an array of prizes including chips, cash, clothing, GTA casino cars such as the new Truffade Thrax supercar. Home Casino How To Win The Lucky Wheel Podium Car EVERY SINGLE TIME At The Diamond Casino In GTA 5 Online! Bitcoin Deposit Bonus up to $750 - Claim 25% More with Bitcoin. Use Promo Code: BTCSWB750. Every week in GTA Online, there's a new vehicle you can win at the Diamond Casino & Resort. Spin the Lucky Wheel and you'll always win a prize, but the real payout's always going to be a new set of wheels. Here's what you can do to tip the odds in your favor.

Tips/guide on how to win the Casino Inside Track.

Winning Tips (no Glitches or Cheats)

Hello everyone. Here is how I make money at Casino – Inside Track. It’s a very simple guide that will increase your odds of winning just using common sense.

Takes time and patience, but can also be fun and easy way to make some extra cash.

Here are the best odds of winning scenarios for me:

As you can see in the pictures above, I place high bet on Evens and the horses with low pay but high chance to win only. The winning horse must have 2 chances difference over the second next best horse.

How to win casino spin gta v

If there are 2 evens or 2 horse with the same chance of winning in the same session, I bet low. Also horses with only 1 difference chance of winning, it’s a risky bet. Like: 3/1 best horse and 4/1 next best horse. Bet low and wait for the opportunity.

Note: This is my personal way of winning and maybe is not working for you like this. Feel free to leave a comment if works for you too or if you have any questions. Enjoy the game and have fun.

More GTA 5 Guides:

  • GTA 5 Cheat Codes!
  • Top Diamond-Casino-Heist Mistakes (Tips & Tricks).
  • The Best Vehicles & Aircraft in GTA Online.
  • TOP 50 More Profitable Cars in GTA Online.
  • Daily Objectives (GTA Online).
  • Heist Profits (GTA Online).

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In GTA Online Diamond Casino and Resort (DC&R) you can play roulette and spin the lucky wheel to win various prizes. The best of them is a luxury car and that will change every week. You get only one chance to win it every day, but a trick allows you to repeat the wheel spinning until the result you want, such as getting the car.
This trick may not work in the future because the Rockstar may fix the bug in the next few hours or days.

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Steps to perform the trick:
- Before spinning the roulette, you must force to save the game, accessing the interaction menu and enabling 'reappearance option, last location' - Change your clothing to force the save.
- If you don’t get the award you want you must disconnect the internet immediately after seeing the result, either 'pulling the cable', or from the console settings.

How To Win Casino Spin Gta 5

- Whatever the disconnection, you will return to the story mode.

How To Win Casino Spin Gta Vice City

- Return to GTA Online through an invitation session.
- You will appear in the Casino and you can spin the wheel again.

How To Win Casino Spin Gta 5

You can use several ways to disconnect your console or PC from the Internet:
- Pull the connection cable.

How To Win Casino Spin Gta V

- Disconnect the connection via console menus.